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Dept. of Social Anthropology and History H. Trikoupi & Faonos 

81100 Mytilini, Greece



  • PH-471: Introduction to political philosophy (compulsory course, 4th semester)

  •  H-273: Introduction to philosophy of history (elective course, 6th/8th semester)

  •   S-360: Social theory (elective course, 5th/7th semester)

  •  Pr/S-050: Biopolitics, biopower: Arendt, Foucault, Agamben (seminar, 5t h/7th semester)



Vicky Iakovou studied political science at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. She holds a DEA in political philosophy from the University of Paris 10-Nanterre (1992) and a PhD in political philosophy from the University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot (2001, thesis title: Une confrontation. Hannah Arendt et la Théorie Critique). She gained scholarships from the Academy of Versailles (1991-1992) and the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY, 1994-1998). Her main research and teaching interests involve modern and contemporary political and social philosophy, the critical theory of the Frankfurt School, the influence of psychoanalysis on political and social theory, and the tradition of utopian thought. She has translated into Greek books and articles by, among others, H. Arendt, Cl. Lefort, J. Rancière, P. Ricoeur and Sl. Zizek.


Selected Publications

a. In Greek

- «Hannah Aren't and Concentration Camps», Synchrona  Themata, 83, December 2003, pp. 41-43

- «Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis. Between Recognition and Misrecognition», in Th. Lipowatz, P. Papatheorodou, The Modern Subject in front of the Other’s Demand, Nissos, Athens 2007, pp. 173-208

- «Art of Writing and Art of Reading according to Leo Strauss», Synchrona Themata, 102, July-September 2008, p. 26-34

- «Adorno’s Analysis of Anti-Semitism», Axiologika, 20, November 2008, pp. 11-24

- «The Concept of Forgiveness in Hannah Arendt», Synchrona Themata, 103, October-December 2008, pp. 67-72

- «Critical Theory and Modernity», in S. Koniordos (ed.), Social Thought and Modernity, Gutenberg, Athens 2010, pp. 297-324

- «Leo Strauss’ s Interpretation of Modern Political Philosophy: The case of Machiavelli», Ypomnima sti Philosophia, 9, September 2010, pp. 281-310

- «Comments on Hannah Arendt’s Origins of Totalitarianism», Science and Society. Journal of Political and Moral Theory, 25, fall 2010, pp. 205-215

- «‘A society without utopia would be a society without goals’. On the Concept of Utopia in the work of Paul Ricœur», Nea Hestia, 1847 (special issue on P. Ricœur), September 2011, pp. 282-303

- «Democracy and Totalitarianism. Confronting G. Agamben with Cl. Lefort», in S. Seferiadis, D. Charalampis (eds.), Democracy at a Crossroads: Threats and Challenges at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Kastaniotis, Athens (forthcoming, 6.000 words)

- «The Limits of Utopia», in L. Ventoura, D. Karydas, G. Kouzelis, Frontiers/Limits, Society for the Study of Humanities, Topika 13, Nissos, Athens (forthcoming, 6.400 words)

b. In French

- «Le concept de critique entre Hannah Arendt et l’Ecole de Francfort», Tumultes, 17-18 (special issue «L’Ecole de Francfort: la Théorie Critique entre philosophie et sociologie»), May 2002, p. 259-278

- «Quand “tous parlaient une seule et même langue…”: Réflexions à partir de LTI. La langue du Troisième Reich de V. Klemperer», in A. Cain (ed.), Espace(s) public(s), espace(s) privé(s): enjeux et partages, L’Harmattan, Paris 2004, p. 221-233

- «Adorno lecteur de Freud», in A. Kupiec, E. Tassin (eds.), Critique de la politique. Autour de Miguel Abensour, Sens & Tonka, Paris 2006, p. 407-416

c. In English

- «Totalitarianism as a Νon-State: On Hannah Arendt’s Debt to Franz Neumann», European Journal of Political Theory, 8(4), 2009, pp. 29-47

- «Towards a critique of the critique of utopia», in V. Vlastaras (ed.), Utopia Project Archive 2006-2010, Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens 2011, pp. 53-57 (also in Greek, p. 389-393)

- «To Think Utopia with and beyond Paul Ricœur», in Τ. Mei, D. Lewin (eds.) From Ricœur to Action: The Socio-political Significance of Ricoœur’s Thinking, Continuum, London 2012, pp. 113-135

Translations (selection)

a. Βooks

- A. Giddens, Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber, Athens 1993 (in collaboration with Y. Stavrakakis)

- S. Žižek, Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? Five interventions in the (mis)use of a notion, Scripta, Athens 2002

- S. Žižek, Welcome to the Desert of the Real! Five Essays on September 11 and Related Dates, Scripta, Athens 2003

- S. Žižek, The Sublime Object of Ideology, Scripta, Athens 2006

- P. Ricœur, Soi-même comme un autre, Polis, Athens 2008

- J. Rancière, La haine de la démocratie, Pedio, Athens 2009

- G. Durozol, A. Roussel, Dictionnaire de philosophie, Patakis, Athens 2010 (in collaboration with Sp. Tegos and Th. Traboulis)

b. Articles

- R. G. Collingwood, «The Idea of Nature», in Y. Stavrakakis (ed.), Nature, Society and Politics, Nissos, Athens 1998

- H. Arendt, «Social Science Techniques and the Study of Concentration Camps», Synchrona Themata, 83, December 2003

- Cl. Lefort, «Le corps interposé. 1984 de George Orwell», Synchrona  Themata, 90, July-September 2005

- P. Ricœur, «Le paradoxe politique», Synchrona  Themata, 97, April-June 2007,

- J. Rancière, «The Politics of Aesthetics», in Y. Stavrakakis, K. Stafilakis (eds.), The Political in Contemporary Art, Ekkremes, Athens 2008

- L. Strauss, «Persecution and the Art of Writing», Synchrona  Themata, 102, July-September 2008

- Α. Balassopoulos, «Anti-Utopia and Distopia. Rethinking the Generic Field», in V. Vlastaras (ed.), Utopia Project Archive 2006-2010, Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens 2011

- P. Ricœur, «La psychanalyse confrontée à l’épistémologie», Nea Hestia, 1847 (special issue on P. Ricœur), September 2011